Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ask Me No Questions #1

" 'Hush,' Ma scolds. But I can see she is pleased. She looks gratefully at Aisha, and my stomach twists with jealously." (page 7)

The reason this few sentences caught my eye was because Nadira seemed uncertain about herself and always compared herself to her sister. She needs to learn that she is her own person and that she can be unique. In my opinion she should boost up her self esteem level a lot. I believe that she could be a better person with more confidence if she did so. Sometimes people do get down about themselves, but they need to remember that they are an awesome person and that they should just do their best at everything in life. Sometimes I look at my friends and my little brother and say their better at this and how come I can't be like that. Then I remember that I am my own person and that I should lead and do my thing and not follow others. I think that something that might change the way Nadira feels about herself is the way her Ma and Abba treat her, especially Abba. Abba should recognize that he has two daughters and that he should treat both of them equally.


  1. Awesome points DaVaughn. I totally agree with you...her parents really should treat them both equally. Nadira is her own person and she does things differently than her sister. Hopefully, she will soon start to accept that fact. Very nice choice!

  2. DaVaughn,

    Great job, I see that in the beginngning you wrote "The section that interests me most is..."
    its not a section

    "The reason this few sentences caught..."
    This should be changed to theses

    Great opinion to fact ratio!

    Keep it Up!
