Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ask Me No Questions #13

"I can feel it, the water pressing all around us, pulsing from below. Abba's fingers reach for mine.

And we do as he taught us. We hold our breaths, then let them out, bit by bit.
We push forward , into the the unknown. Go." (page 159)

To me this is a great way to end the book, it lives you with the image of water and breathing in the book which was a huge theme and activity in the book. My favorite part is when Nadira says, Abba's fingers reach for mine. That made me think of the family reconnecting and joining into a family again. That would be a joy to there family to reconnect and to have a fresh beginning. When they speak of holding their breaths, then letting them out, bit by bit. First thing i think about is being in sync. They are taking it one step at a time as a family, which is good for them, because they were sepereated for a good amount of time. I'm glad everyone is straightened out especially Aisha opening up about her family, that was a great choice on her part. We push forward, into the unknown. Go. That was a great way to end the book just the perfect cliff hanger but not to much. This was an awesome book, and I would definately recommend it!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ask Me No Questions #12

" 'You gave up because everything stopped being easy. Just because you couldn't conquer this thing like you always did. I think, Aisha, that you're always thinking about doing or saying the right thing. Wearing the right clothes. Blending in. But sometimes...sometimes you have to tell them who you really are. What you really think. You have to make them see us.' " (page 147)

Bottom line is that you should always be real and not put on an act about who you really are. You don't want to lie about your appearance or the way you think. You want to be real to everyone and shine like a star and be yourself. If you do that that's a start to a good relationship friends or something more serious. I especially like how Nadira mentions that Aisha worries about... Wearing the right clothes. Blending in. But sometimes...sometimes you have to tell them who you really are. What you really think. You have to make them see us. This really stuck out to me because who you are on the outside is nothing like whom you are on the inside. You can have the uggliest person on the outside but a sweet person on the inside. I love that Nadira speaks out towards Aisha. I hope that Aisha really grasps and takes into consideration what Nadira Says!

Ask Me No Questions #11

It's weird having my mother cry in my arms when it should be the other way around. (page 127)

I understand completely what Nadira is saying here, normally it's always your mom caring for you not you caring for your mother. But sometimes things happen to the parents when they need someone to care for them. It's hard for Ma in this time. She has gone a long time without seeing her girls and to finally to see them must bring joy to her eyes. I hope Nadira knows how much this means!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ask Me No Questions #10

"Strong lungs, they would say for Abba. Strong lungs give him staying power. He's the on who always lasts." (page 114)

This few sentences stuck out to me about Abba, it reminded me immediately about family. Even though this relates to swimming it can also help you with other things in life that come your way. When you have strong lungs it's also similar to being able to stand your own ground and take care of business. In thins case with the lungs of Abba he wants and is trying to help out as much as possible. Let's hope Abba's strong lungs from swimming can help him in another way to allow him to help out his family in a time of need.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Ask Me No Questions #9

"I've never hear her lie so much, right to someones face. And bout Ma and Dad, who aren't like what she's saying at all." (page 109)

This couple sentences caught my eye. I was very surprised that the goody tuscious was saying such a terrible lie, Isn't she supposto to be the "good girl". Maybe or maybe NOT. When Nadira said I had never seen her lie so much, at leas not in someones face, that made me think...Does she lie when no pressures on her, Is some of her life made up of lies. I doubt it...but the clues may say something differently. I'll keep reading and hopefully find out soon. I thought it was terrible about what she said about her parents. I think she didn' have to come on so strong. She lies now, but your lies catch up to you and you never know what's going to come up that you can get mixed in/ up in your lies. That's why you stay truthful most of the time. We do all slip up.

Ask Me No Questions #8

"She gets up early to go to school, studying in the empty classrooms. She's like a boxer, jabbing and hitting, trying her old moves, but this time she's up against something that's so much bigger than her, beyond her power." (page 93)

I love the connection Marina made in the text, it's so convincing and believable. To me when all authors use similes it makes that particular scene stand out that much more. It gives the text a special touch that will not make you forget that phrase. It's so true Aisha is always studying. I mean does she ever think to give herself the slightest break. BY doing that she wont have to slack out. She can get ahead a little bit and then take a breather. Maybe that can help her out. It's worth a try.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ask Me No Questions #7

"No matter what we tell Aisha, she won't listen. She sobs harder and harder, her back banging against the cushioned booth." (page 87)

To me Aisha is feeling a lot of responsibility and pressure from her family. She is obviously extremely disappointed about not being able to help her uncle. She's blamming it all on herself and she should not do that to herself. I understand that it would be hard if your uncle was caught and had to leave his family.I think that the border control should think about themselves being in those people shoes. If they did that they might have an entire different way of thinking/ processing. If I was in this position I think I'd be tough on myself as well. I really hope it works out for the better eventually.