Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ask Me No Questions #7

"No matter what we tell Aisha, she won't listen. She sobs harder and harder, her back banging against the cushioned booth." (page 87)

To me Aisha is feeling a lot of responsibility and pressure from her family. She is obviously extremely disappointed about not being able to help her uncle. She's blamming it all on herself and she should not do that to herself. I understand that it would be hard if your uncle was caught and had to leave his family.I think that the border control should think about themselves being in those people shoes. If they did that they might have an entire different way of thinking/ processing. If I was in this position I think I'd be tough on myself as well. I really hope it works out for the better eventually.


  1. Good Blog DaVaughn. I like how you said that the border control should think about themselves in their shoes, I never thought about that and know that I have I agree with you. In my blog I also wrote how Aisha feels like she has a lot of responsibilities and pressure on herself and I hope she realizes soon that it isn't her fault.

  2. Thanks,

    That was a remarkable response!

