Monday, March 2, 2009

Ask Me No Questions #3

“I don’t like the way the adults have been talking to me since this all began. Either they speak like I’m a little baby who can’t understand the stupidest thing, or they gaze at me with the weight and sadness of the world behind their eyes, making me feel so confused I wished they’d just shut up.” (page 36)

I think that Nadira has been treated differently since they have gone through the process of crossing the border to Canada and then returning again to New York. The reason I feel her parents stopped talking as much is because It was/is extremely stressful going through a complicated situation. Especially having the family being separated in different places can cause some people to be angry and stressed out. That’s how I think Abba and Ma are feeling at the moment, but I’m feeling this the most from Abba.

I don’t understand why they would talk to a young lady that’s definitely no longer a baby nor a toddler with a little baby voice. I feel that’s crossing the line and doing to much. Nadira is not a stupid person at all and her parents should give her the respect she deserves. Nadira should express her feelings towards her family and tell them that she is no longer a baby and should be treated her age. Sometimes I feel like I can’t get a word in when I’m talking in a group of people and I would love for them to shut up, but at least the conversations I’m in the people treat me my age. I hope Nadira opens up and speaks her mind and says that she doesn’t like the way they look at her with the gaze in their eye and the other gestures they show her.


  1. I agree with you completely DaVaughn. I think that they treat Nadira like a clueless baby. I also hope that Nadira opens up and begins to speak her mind soon. I think she will begin sharing her opinions more pretty soon because she seems like she's been talking more and more as the book progresses. What do you think? Will Nadira start voicing her opinions more or will she stay in her shell? I think she is already starting to come out of her shell...

  2. I agree with you, DaVaughn, and Samara. Nadira is not a little baby; she knows a lot of things. Like you said Samara, I hope Nadira starts to open up and talk more. Nadira deserves a lot more respect as well. Nice connection back to you DaVaughn! I wonder what is going to happen in the rest of the book...

  3. i agree that they are treating her as if she is nieve but you said tht they are treating her differently from before but we dont know much about her from before so maybe they treated her neive before too........

  4. I completely agree with Samara. That people speak to her like she is a clueless baby.
    DaVaughn, you made some really great points. Everything you said in the beginning of "I don’t understand why they would talk to a young lady that’s definitely no longer a baby nor a toddler with a little baby voice. I feel that’s crossing the line and doing to much. Nadira is not a stupid person at all and her parents should give her the respect she deserves." I never really thought about Nadira not being "repected" and now that you have brought it up its opened up a new way to think about the way people treat Nadira.
    I also like how in this "diablog" you focus on just talking about how Nadira is being treated.
    You have opened up my eyes in seeing new ways of how people treat Nadira vs. Aisha.

    good job

  5. I like what everyone has said, about how Nadira is treated like someone much younger than she is. I really like what Jena said about Nadira not being respected as much as she deserves to be. I agree that the stress amounted on everyone is tremendous, but I also think that the stress level should open peoples eyes to the skills of others, not shove them deeper into the shadows.

    Great (B)log!

  6. DaVaughn,

    I loved your quote, very cool! I agree with what you said about Nadira needing to talk to her family more about being treated her age. Do you feel that way, "Sometimes I feel like I can’t get a word in when I’m talking in a group of people and I would love for them to shut up, but at least the conversations I’m in the people treat me my age." when we are having a class discussion, cause if so, I'm really sorry. You should try and take some of your own advice and try to speak up.

    Celeste :D

  7. I agree with all you guys. People need to give Nadira some respect. I don't feel like they're treating Aisha like a clueless baby so why does Nadira get treated like that! I also think Nadira is getting close to speaking up for her self and stepping out of her sisters shadow, but she needs a big push to really get over the edge.

  8. I agree with Puja, Nadira should start opening up and talking to people. She seem strong enough to do so, but she had encouragement, I bet she would love to shout at Aisha. Your blog is great DaVaughn, I absolutely agree with you about them treating her like a toddler. Good job!

  9. I agree that Narida has been treated differently. It may seem like the adults are being oblivious to her vocabulary and knowledge, but on the other hand they are going through a very stressful situation and need to get their thoughts stated clearly. I do feel bad for Narida, but understand where both sides are coming from. This aspect of them talking baby-talk is quite interesting because I am curious how it will play out in the rest of the book.

  10. i think that the way that her parents regard her and Aisha is definitely very different, but i believe that's a good thing
    too much pressure can be really bad for a kid!
    i agree though, the baby voice thing was taking the 'difference' way too far!
    great post!

  11. Yeah I totally know what you mean. ever since they crossed the boarder Aisha has gone from goody-goody-two-shoes (around the parents and elders) to little miss bossy and stuck up! she seems to not really care about how Nadira feels when she says mean things to her. Also, just because she is the older sibling, doesn't mean she is in charge. I also wish, along with you, that Nadira would speak up and take control of her life instead of sitting around watching pass before her eyes.

  12. I really liked your log, DaVaughn. I do believe stress seems to be stabbing this situation a lot. Ma and Abba seem to have a lot of stress, which causes the whole family to go through it. I don't think Nadira had this realization that the adults were talking to her differently until after Ali-Uncle finished speaking with her. Thats when she started realizing the change in the attitude's of the grown ups around her. I do agree that Nadira should not be treated like a naive child. She has more potential than that, but I just don't she or anyone else is realizing it. I agree with Lyndsay...Nadira should speak up ad take control of her life instead of watching it pass by.

  13. True dat, Lyndsay. Aisha seems to be very two-sided. Sugary sweet and witch. Very Umbridge. Nadira is definitely getting the brunt of that behavior, but no credit for bearing it. It seems that no one thinks of what she needs or how much everyone leaves her behind in the melee.
