Monday, March 16, 2009

Ask Me No Questions #9

"I've never hear her lie so much, right to someones face. And bout Ma and Dad, who aren't like what she's saying at all." (page 109)

This couple sentences caught my eye. I was very surprised that the goody tuscious was saying such a terrible lie, Isn't she supposto to be the "good girl". Maybe or maybe NOT. When Nadira said I had never seen her lie so much, at leas not in someones face, that made me think...Does she lie when no pressures on her, Is some of her life made up of lies. I doubt it...but the clues may say something differently. I'll keep reading and hopefully find out soon. I thought it was terrible about what she said about her parents. I think she didn' have to come on so strong. She lies now, but your lies catch up to you and you never know what's going to come up that you can get mixed in/ up in your lies. That's why you stay truthful most of the time. We do all slip up.


  1. DaVaughn,
    Good Diablog!
    You might want to proof read before you post next time, there were a lot of typos.
    But you totally got your point across. Great Job! I totally get what you are talking about. :D
    When you said "the goody tuscious" did you mean goody too shoes?
    Great Job DaVaughn, you really stated your opinion I loved your last couple of closing sentences. "She lies now, but your lies catch up to you and you never know what's going to come up that you can get mixed in/ up in your lies. That's why you stay truthful most of the time. We do all slip up." That was a great way to end your diablog. :D

  2. Thanks,

    Sorry all the typos I was in a rush!
